April 1, 2019



Francien Chenoweth Richardson is a licensed psychologist, professor at a local university, owns a small private practice in the Philadelphia area, a mother of four girls and a wife to a very loving and supportive husband who helps her perfect her crafting. As you can imagine, her life is hectic balancing several roles. As a firm believer of self-care and diversity, she uses crocheting and jewelry making as a way to relax and promote diversity. Her vibrant personality and African culture are reflected in the bright African Prints and bright color yarns she uses with her Jewelries and crochet hats, scars, and wreaths.

As Francien made more jewelries, hats, and scars to relax, she began wearing her accessories. Many complemented the unique quality of her accessories. Soon, she started gifting her friends with the products she makes as giving and sharing also bring joy to her soul. Several of her friends and family offered to purchase her products, hence the beginning of CrochetAfroTherapy-The love of self care, promoting diversity and helping to prevent violence against women and children in Liberia and immigrant communities in the US; 10% of your purchase goes to support buying whistles and personal alarms to help arm a woman or child against abuse! Thanks for your support!